What files can I share in Ommnio?

In addition to text, in Ommnio you can share all kinds of files.

👆IMPORTANT: Please note that sometimes the mobile devices of the recipients may have difficulty opening certain documents. For example, if you send an Excel file in XLSX format, some users may not have the appropriate app to open that file. Our advice for documents is to always send PDFs (which can be opened with any web browser).

🔴 MORE IMPORTANT: Your recipients will probably be connected to the internet on their mobile devices, not always on Wi-Fi. If you send very large files, you will be forcing them to consume their data allowance.

From the app on your Android and iPhone:

  • 📸 Images: those taken by your camera or any image from your gallery in JPG, PNG, and GIF formats.
  • 🎬 Video: those taken by your camera or any from your gallery in MP4 format.
  • 🔈 Audio: those recorded from the Ommnio app or any in MP3 format.
  • 📔 Documents in PDF, XLSX, or DOCX formats.

From the web:

  • 📸 Images: Any that you have saved on your PC and are in JPG, PNG, and GIF formats.
  • 🎬 Video: Any that you have on your PC and are in MP4 format.
  • 🔈 Audio: MP3 format.
  • 📔 Documents in PDF, XLSX, or DOCX formats.

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