What can a Team Administrator do?

An Team Administrator 👬 manages a subset of users in the organization who are united by some criteria (for example, they belong to the same department). Team Administration is always about managing users. However, every Team Administrator has the ability to create new chat groups and add as members to those chat groups all users over whom they have administrative capacity. 

Thus, a Team Administrator can do everything a user does, and also, in the web version of Ommnio, they can:

  • Administer the users in their team: inviting new people to their team, removing them, or editing their information.
  • Grant/Revoke Team Administrator permissions to another member of their team.
  • Create new teams and grant administrative permissions. If desired, they can establish a parent-child hierarchy among the teams they create and manage. 
  • Determine the working hours of the users in their team so that notifications only reach their mobile devices while they are working (if they wish). 
  • Create groups (open or read-only) and add participants to each group as they see fit (as individuals or as teams), always within the assigned team. Every Team Administrator who creates a new chat group will be the default Administrator of that group. 

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