What states can users be in?

In Ommnio, users can be in 4 possible states:

  • Active: The user has registered on the platform and has accessed Ommnio in the last 30 days. 
  • Inactive: The user registered on the platform at some point, but for some reason in the last 30 days, has NOT accessed Ommnio. Therefore, at least in the last 30 days, they have not consumed the content you may have sent them. Reasons? Maybe they have not received any message that prompts them to access Ommnio, maybe they are not interested, or maybe they uninstalled the application. 
  • Blocked: An administrator with permissions for this user has blocked them. Here you have more information about the usefulness of blocking, but as a summary, blocking allows suspending a user's access without deleting any of their data. You can unblock them whenever you want.
  • Pending: From the organization, you generated an invitation for this user, but they have not completed the registration process yet. Therefore, until they do so, they will not be able to access the content you share on Ommnio. You can send them the invitation again by email or SMS (depending on whether you provided an email or a mobile number). If there is no contact information, you can print a QR code and hand it to them. 

Users can also be deleted, of course. But in this case, they are not recoverable. If you delete a user, you will be deleting their profile, their hourly records (if any), and their membership in chat groups. The only thing that remains from a deleted user is the messages they have written, which will be anonymized. Here you have more information about this aspect

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