Can I grant different permissions to each Administrator?

In Ommnio, you can grant Team Administration permissions to users and chat Group Administration permissions to individuals you consider. Each of them will have the level of visibility and management that the organization wants to give them. 

Normal users, without administration permissions, are subscribed to the groups that their organization considers. Users without administration permissions cannot create groups, invite new users, or subscribe/unsubscribe from the groups assigned to them by their organization. 

You can grant Team Administration permissions to anyone you consider so that they have visibility and management capabilities over a subset of the organization's users. To these same Team Administrators, if desired, you can also grant Chat Group Administration permissions, so they can also manage the content of the chat groups. You can also give someone the capability to write anonymously in a chat group (e.g. to someone from the Marketing team so they can write in a news group without needing full Administration permissions). In all cases, Team and Group Administration permissions are independent. A user can have Team Administration permissions and be a regular member in a group from another team. Or they can be a Team Administrator and not necessarily be an Administrator of the groups in that team. 

Step by Step:

1. Create teams

Go to settings, Teams section, and create the teams:

Teams can have hierarchical dependencies between them. For example, you can create a team for Truck Drivers and another for Forklift Operators, each with its Team Administrator and its linked chat groups, and at the same time, both belong to the Logistics team, where there may be another Team Administrator who will always have visibility over the entire organization that depends on their Team (Truck Drivers, Forklift Operators, etc.). Logistics, in turn, can be a team that hierarchically depends on another called Tarragona Center, which includes it, as well as Operations, Warehouse, etc. 

An example:

- ACME Company (Account Administrator - HR Manager)

- Tarragona Center (Team Administrator - Work Center Manager)

- Logistics (Team Administrator - Logistics Manager)

- Forklift Operators (Team Administrator - Forklift Operators Manager)

- Truck Drivers (Team Administrator - Truck Drivers Manager)

- Operations (Team Administrator - Operations Manager)

- Sevilla Center

- Etc.

To create a new team, click on the button in the upper right margin:

2. Add users to the teams

Filter by all the criteria you need (in the search box and/or by sorting each column) and add the individuals you consider to each team by clicking on the selection box. At the top, you will see how many people are part of the team based on your selection. 

Once the teams are created, search for the people you want to assign Administration roles to. You only need to check the "Admin" box to grant them Administration permissions over that group of people. 

Only the Account Administrator can grant their same permissions to another user. And Team Administrators, in turn, can grant administration permissions to other users, only in the teams they manage. 

4. Assign chat group permissions

In the Group Settings section, as the Account Administrator, you can see all the groups and join them using the "Join chat group" button. A Team Administrator, however, will only see the groups they manage, not all the organization's groups. 

There are three possible permissions related to chat groups:

  • Group Administrator 📣 who can edit avatar, name, group type (open or read-only), and who the members are (based on their Team Admin permissions), as well as write anonymously and send mandatory readings. This is the case of the "Corporate News" group in this example. 
  • Write permissions ✏️ to write anonymously. In this case, this user can write in the "Team Barcelona" group with the group's avatar instead of their personal profile. 
  • Be a member 🙎 simply. In the case of the "Human Resources" group, the user is just a member. They don't have Administration permissions or the ability to write anonymously. 

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